Roblox Bird Simulator Character Script

Pew Pew Simulator Codes 2021

Discover whole list of all the new roblox pew pew simulator codes that works in 2021. Redeem codes for free coins, gems and many more.

The only issue with this is that it's only available for the R15 Characters and not the R6 but, that's one way of doing it. Below, I'll show you a script that scales those objects as the Character is added.

What are Pew Pew Simulator Codes?

Attack on titan tribute game. List about every character in the tribute game Mikasa is one of the playable character in the game. She is the first character and the first on the list of playable characters, if the player doesn't choose another character, the player will play as her. She is a fast moving character cable of getting high damage (since she is fast moving). This is because she is light, which makes it easier.

Pew pew simulator codes are the codes that can avail by millions of users in the game to get a benefits of various items. So, redeem the above given codes and let’s make your character look more unique.

First of all, Let me clear one thing Pew pew simulator codes are the codes that can avail by millions of users in the game to get a benefits of various items. So, redeem the above given codes and let’s make your character look more unique.

Whenever any of new code come we’ll update that code here. We’re updating this page by every 2-3 hrs.

Bird simulator roblox wiki

So, check this page regularly for new codes.

We’re working hard to find latest pew pew simulator roblox codes.

100% Working! Pew Pew Simulator Codes For January 2021

When it comes to working code, then scroll below to check newest added list of 10+ codes for pew pew simulator. We have added almost all the top active roblox pew pew simulator code.

  1. Free 2000 Coins in the game using above code – COINS
  2. Get 10 Gems redeeming this code – GEMS
  3. 1 Bird thing with this code – OWL
  4. Avail 2500 Coins & 50 Free Gems – Release
  5. Another working code for A gun that can give kids diabetes – Candy
  6. 1 Chicken Leg with this code – razorfishgaming
  7. Free 3000 Coins Code – BigCoin
  8. Take 5000 Coins with this code – EpicCoins
  9. 1000 Gems Code – GiveGems
  10. 500 Gems Redeem code – MoreGems
  11. Another latest Damage Armor for 30 minutes – DoubleDamage
  12. Avail Gem Armor for 30 minutes using pew pew code – DoubleGems
  13. 30 minutes of double coins code – doublecoins
  14. 30 minutes of luck – LUCKY

Redeem Pew Pew Simulator Codes?


When you’ll find working list of codes, a question arises in your mind how can i redeem pew pew simulator code? then these simple steps help you to redeem free coins and gems in the game.

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  1. Open the game, click on the left side
  2. Now, enter your code.
  3. press redeem button to grab free items.

About the Game

In Pew Pew Simulator, you fight enemies with ranged weapons to collect coins and gain experience whilst leveling you up. Unlike many other games with a similar mechanism, here, the enemies can actually hurt you.

Welcome to Pew Pew Simulator! Fight enemies with 🏹 ranged weapons to collect coins and gain ⭐ experience to level up! Open eggs to unlock rare pets that can be leveled up and evolved! 🐶 Pets come very handy when fighting off enemies!

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FutureWebsiteOwner – Overall Game, Programming, Graphics

MacAndCheeism- Building

FedoraGFX – Thumbnail Render

audionautix – Music

At last, i would like to say that, in this page you will definitely explore trending list of pew pew simulator codes. For more upcoming codes bookmark this page. We’re updating codes for better gaming experience. So, always be with us (

Roblox Bird Simulator



Roblox Bird Simulator Character Scripture

Codes For Pew Pew Simulator, Pew Pew Simulator Code, Pew Pew Simulator Codes, Pew Pew Simulator Codes 2021, Pew Pew Simulator Codes List, Pew Pew Simulator Codes Twitter, Pew Pew Simulator Codes Wiki Fandom, Pew Pew Simulator Script, Roblox Pew Pew Simulator Codes