Javascript Hacks For Roblox

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Mar 25th, 2018

Here is the link from the annotation my children!

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  1. original: 'missingno',
  2. initialized: 0,
  3. items: [],
  4. inventoryString: '<liclass='list-item item-card ng-scope'><divclass='item-card-container'><aclass='item-card-link'href='%1'><divclass='item-card-thumb-container'><div ng-hide='item.Product.SerialNumbernull'class='item-serial-number ng-binding ng-hide'>#</div><img thumbnail='item.Thumbnail' image-retry='class='item-card-thumb ng-isolate-scope'src='%2'></div><divclass='text-overflow item-card-name ng-binding'title='%6 '>%6 </div></a><!-- ngIf: item.Item.AudioUrl --><divclass='text-overflow item-card-creator'><spanclass='xsmall text-label'>By</span><aclass='xsmall text-overflow text-link ng-binding' ng-href='%3' ng-hide='!'favorites'&amp;&amp;'Places'&amp;&amp;('My VIP Servers'||'Other VIP Servers')&amp;&amp;staticData.isOwnPage'href='%3'>%4</a><aclass='xsmall text-overflow text-link ng-binding ng-hide' ng-href=' ng-show='!'favorites'&amp;&amp;('My VIP Servers'||'Other VIP Servers')'></a></div><divclass='item-card-price'><spanclass='icon-robux-16x16'></span><spanclass='text-robux ng-binding ng-hide' ng-show='item.HasPrice'></span><spanclass='text-label' ng-hide='item.HasPrice'><!-- ngIf: item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0 --><span ng-if='item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0' ng-class='{'text-robux':item.Product.NoPriceText'Free'}'>%5</span><!-- end ngIf: item.Product.NoPriceText.length>0 --></span></div></div></li>',
  5. disableF5: function(e) { if ((e.which || e.keyCode) 116 || (e.which || e.keyCode) 82) { e.preventDefault(); document.getElementById('documentFrame').src = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href; } },
  6. console.clear();
  7. console.log('__________ ________ __________.____ ________ ____ ___n______ _____ ______ | _____ / /n | _/ / | | | _/ | / | / n | | / | | |___/ | / n |____|_ /_______ /______ /_______ _______ /___/ n / / / / / _/nRoblox.Hack.js created by Unknown nnUsage:nRoblox.Hack.setRobux( int ); // Sets your robux to the value providednRoblox.Hack.onload // Override for custom pagesnRoblox.Hack.addRobux( int ); //Increases robux balancenRoblox.Hack.onloaded // Override for custom pages');
  8. setRobux: function (robux) {
  9. typeof Roblox'undefined'&&(Roblox={}),typeof Roblox.NumberFormatting'undefined'&&(Roblox.NumberFormatting=function(){var n=function(n){if(typeof n!='number')throw'number' is not a number';return n.toString().replace(/B(?=(d{3})+(?!d))/g,',')},t=function(t){var i,r,u;if(typeof t!='number')throw'number' is not a number';var f=1e4,e=1e6,o=1e9;return t0?'0':t<f?n(t):(i='B+',r=9,t<e?(i='K+',r=3):t<o&&(i='M+',r=6),u=t.toString(),u.substring(0,u.length-r)+i)};return{abbreviatedFormat:t,commas:n}}());
  10. var doc = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document;
  11. doc.getElementById('nav-robux-balance').innerHTML = Roblox.NumberFormatting.abbreviatedFormat(Roblox.Hack.balance) + ' ROBUX';
  12. doc.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML = Roblox.NumberFormatting.abbreviatedFormat(Roblox.Hack.balance);
  13. addRobux: function (robux){
  14. Roblox.Hack.setRobux(Roblox.Hack.balance + robux);
  15. addItem: function(category, name, image, creator, price, url, profile){
  16. Roblox.Hack.items.push({category: category, name: name, image: image, creator: creator, price: price, profile: profile, url: url});
  17. format: function(str, arr){
  18. return arr[--m];
  19. },
  20. if(Roblox.Hack.initialized !=0){
  21. return;
  22. window.onbeforeunload = function(){
  23. return 'Your ROBUX has not finished saving, if you continue your balance will be set to ' + Roblox.Hack.original + ' ROBUX';
  24. Roblox.Hack.initialized =1;
  25. Roblox.Hack.original = document.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML;
  26. Roblox.Hack.balance = parseInt(document.getElementById('nav-robux-amount').innerHTML.replace(/,/g, ').replace('K+', '999').replace('M+', '999999').replace('B+', '999999999'));
  27. document.documentElement.innerHTML ='<body><iframe sandbox='allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-forms' src=' + document.location + ' frameborder='0' height='100%' width='100%' /></body>';
  28. Roblox.Hack.loading = true;
  29. setInterval(function() {
  30. if(Roblox.Hack.loading && document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.body.innerHTML.indexOf('nav-robux-amount') != -1) {
  31. Roblox.Hack.setRobux( Roblox.Hack.balance );
  32. if(document.location.href != document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href) {
  33. window.history.pushState(null, null, document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location);
  34. var doc = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document;
  35. var t = doc.getElementsByClassName('PurchaseButton');
  36. $(t[i]).replaceWith(function (){
  37. return $('<' + this.nodeName + 'br0'>(this).attr('class') + '>').append($(this).contents());
  38. t[i].onclick = function() {
  39. doc.getElementsByClassName('field-content')[0].innerHTML.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-') + 's',
  40. doc.getElementsByClassName('item-name-container')[0].children[0].innerHTML,
  41. doc.getElementsByClassName('thumbnail-span')[0].children[0].src,
  42. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-name')[0].innerHTML,
  43. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-robux-lg')[0].innerHTML,
  44. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-name')[0].href
  45. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success').html('Purchase Completed');
  46. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.Roblox.BootstrapWidgets.ToggleSystemMessage(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success'),100,1e3);
  47. Roblox.Hack.addRobux(-parseInt(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.text-robux-lg').html().replace(/,/g, ')));
  48. document.getElementById('documentFrame').src = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href;
  49. }
  50. }, 200);
  51. var doc = document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document;
  52. if(doc.location.href.split('/').length 6 && document.location.href.split('/')[3] 'catalog') {
  53. for(var i = 0; i < Roblox.Hack.items.length; i++){
  54. if(item.url window.location.href){
  55. if(doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label').length > 0 && doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label').length > 0 && doc.getElementsByClassName('action-button').length > 0) {
  56. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label')[0].outerHTML += '<divclass='divider'>&nbsp;</div><divclass='label-checkmark'><spanclass='icon-checkmark-white-bold'></span></div><span>Item Owned</span>';
  57. doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label')[0].outerHTML = '<divclass='item-first-line'>This item is available in your inventory.</div>' + doc.getElementsByClassName('text-label field-label price-label')[0].outerHTML;
  58. doc.getElementsByClassName('action-button')[0].innerHTML = '<aid='edit-avatar-button'href=''class='btn-control-md'>Edit Avatar</a>';
  59. }, 1);
  60. }
  61. /*if(typeof(doc.getElementById('assetsItems')) != 'undefined') {
  62. var inventory = doc.getElementById('assetsItems');
  63. for(var i = 0; i < Roblox.Hack.items.length; i++){
  64. if(item.category window.location.href.split('/')[6]){
  65. inventory.innerHTML += Roblox.Hack.format(Roblox.Hack.inventoryString, [item.url, item.image, item.profile, item.creator, item.price,]);
  66. }
  67. if(typeof(Roblox.Hack.onload) !='undefined') Roblox.Hack.onload();
  68. }, 1);
  69. window.addEventListener('message', function(e){ if('iframe_change'){ start_loading(); }}, false);
  70. if(Roblox.Hack.initialized !=2){
  71. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success').html('Successfully loaded');
  72. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.Roblox.BootstrapWidgets.ToggleSystemMessage(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.$('.alert-success'),100,2e3);
  73. Roblox.Hack.watermark();
  74. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.onunload= function(){'iframe_change', '*'); };
  75. if(document.location.href != document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href){
  76. window.history.pushState(null, null, document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location);
  77. if(document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location.href.indexOf('my/character.aspx') != -1 || document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.getElementById('assetsItems') != null){
  78. if(window.confirm('You must be subscribed to GrayPhiny receive the items you boughtnIf you are subscribed, press Cancel and wait up to 15 minutes for the item to be added to your inventory.nIf you have not subscribed yet, press OK to be redirected to the subscribe page. press cancel to continue')){
  79. var win ='', '_blank');
  80. } else {
  81. alert('The items will now be added to your inventory. It may take between 15 minutes for your item to appearnIf you did not subscribe this will not worknnYou do not have to leave this page open, feel free to close the tab, play ROBLOX, or turn off your PC. (Remember, the item will not save if you are not subscribed, and make sure you subscribe. or you may not get your item)');
  82. }
  83. document.title= document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.title;
  84. if(typeof(Roblox.Hack.onloaded) !='undefined') Roblox.Hack.onloaded();
  85. window.onpopstate = function(event){
  86. document.getElementById('documentFrame').contentWindow.document.location = document.location;
  87. $(document).ready(function(){
  88. $(document).on('keydown', Roblox.Hack.disableF5);
  89. }

Here is the 3rd version for the roblox hack! A simple roblox script, took 3 days to make, if you wanna copy some of my work, Please credit me! Roblox Free Robux Generator 2020 WORKING HACK. Roblox Free Robux Generator is a hack tool that can add free robux into your Roblox account in few minutes. The Tool was developed by the Infamous S3rp1an Hackers in the beginning of 2020.

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  • 8 916 people like this.
  • Manon Verdun took about 5 minutes for me to completely, just patient

    Like - Reply - 12 - about 1 minute ago

    Nathalie Bonart Merci d'avoir partage cet outil c'est la seule méthode qui fonctionne que j'ai trouver.

    Like - Reply - 12 - about 2 minutes ago

    Quentin Elcrain How long does it take to receive my robux?

    Like - Reply - about 2 minutes ago

    Alfonso Ferrara Muito obrigado 100% funcionando! isso é ótimo software.

    Like - Reply - about 3 minutes ago

    Hans Bandri Dank Ihnen sehr viel.

    Like - Reply - about 4 minutes ago

    Benjamin Espinosa Grazie che bello.

    Like - Reply - about 5 minutes ago

    Roblox Van Script 2020

    Dim's Caillian wow this is awesome tool, thanks received my robux :D @@[email protected]

    Like - Reply - 2 - about 6 minutes ago

    Naël Khalifa It's very cool, really surprised.

    Like - Reply - 7 - about 7 minutes ago

    Mark Lien Merci beaucoup enfin un Hack qui marche.

    Like - Reply - about 15 minutes ago

    Camilia MacquerJavascript hacks for roblox

    Hacking Scripts For Roblox Free

    Please help me, why I don't see any verification form?

    Like - Reply - 8 - about 20 minutes ago

    Nicolas Poigni Just wanna say thanks for my free resources, this is the best Roblox hack!

    Javascript Hacks For Roblox

    Like - Reply - 1 - about 22 minutes ago

    Hack For Roblox Pc

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